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Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida
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Stories of Hope & Courage– Krista's Story

Meet Krista

Krista was already making tough financial choices before the pandemic hit. A single mom with five kids, she had three contract jobs at downtown venues as a bartender and guest services attendant. Just before the shutdown last year she had secured a part-time job at a retail store and was completing orientation when she was told not to come in the next day. She never went back.

During the pandemic, the health and safety of her family came first. There were months when she could only afford rent. Expenses like gas for her minivan became a luxury. She swallowed her pride and asked a friend to drive her to a food pantry supported by Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida.

"I realized that so many people are going through the same thing I'm going through," she said.

Thanks to your support, Krista is able to pick up food for her family at a local food pantry. She takes home grocery bags filled with pantry items like cereal, canned soups and grains, plus meat, fresh produce and bread.

"I also realized how many people have generous hearts and are willing to help others. This is a blessing."

Krista is looking forward to getting back to work when her kids go back to school in a few short weeks.

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